‘Untitled Short Story 1’ is now about 2/3 complete, 5,892 words.

Writing progress as of 16th January 2019.

What happened over the last month? I hear you ask. I finished the novel and left it to ‘steep’ over Christmas. The advice I got is to let it sit for a while and work on other things… So that’s exactly what I did.

Mostly, I took some time off and relaxed, which was very nice. I also ate too much, which was also very nice. I’m now back on sensible eating and will be going to the gym twice a week, which is not so nice… but I’m hoping to get to enjoy it before too long.

I also worked on tweaking this website a little (it’s lightning fast now), setting up a mailing list (click ‘Secret Files’ to get a free gift), and wrote the aforementioned ‘ Secret Files ’.

And today I wrote the first two thirds of a short story. Well, if I’m honest I wrote the first quarter of it last year and promptly forgot I had - which was a nice surprise when I found it in my ‘drafts’ folder in Scrivener . Today I tweaked what I’d already written, plotted out the rest and wrote a good chunk of it. Hopefully I can finish it within the next day or so and put it up here for you to read… It’ll not be polished but I think I need something out there to show what I’m up to. I’ve not come up with a title for it yet… Maybe I will when it’s done.

5,892 words are now in a short story that were not yesterday.

‘Untitled Short Story 1’ is now about 2/3 complete, 5,892 words.

Word Count