Snow White - fair or foul?
What if Snow White wasn’t a princess? What if her step-mother wasn’t evil? What if the conflict wasn’t propelled by magic, but by popularity?
Explore these questions and more in this collection of six Snow White retellings.
The Poet’s Missing Daughter by Phoenix Xiao tells the tale of a missing girl and her step mother who has something supernatural to hide.
An elven sorceress faces an impossible choice between saving one life or many in Julian Barr’s Kingdom of the Mirror.
A young girl fights monsters in the dark world of sleep in J. W. Atkinson’s Snow White and the Silent Death.
A young beauty influencer finally reveals all regarding the machinations of her step mother in Mark Hood’s Skin Deep.
In Marlene Simonette’s The Many Failures of Evil, a halfling child must relive the painful memories of her past and fight for a family.
A mysterious message prompts a young woman to cross the line of right and wrong in Robyn Sarty’s The Fruitful Heist.
These Tales from the Treehouse will leave you spell-bound and wanting more!
(I contributed my short story ‘Skin Deep’ to this anthology)