Draft 1 is now at around 90% complete, 125,646 words.
Writing progress as of 9th November 2018.
Another chapter - some character development, some plot improvements and I’ve started keeping a Google Map with some important locations in it… Hopefully as I revise the book in future I can ensure I keep the geography accurate and not introduce any odd inconsistencies.
Today’s writing came easier than yesterday - I did a [ blog post this morning recommending a book ] which might have been a warm-up of sorts. I will have to keep an eye on what makes for a good writing day and what makes it harder… if there’s a pattern I can take advantage of then I will certainly be doing so!
And according to my structure, the next chapter is the start of the climax - so the big, potentially world-changing battle starts here!
2,211 words are now in the draft that were not yesterday.
Draft 1 is now at around 90% complete, 125,646 words.